Hey! I’m Keyan — I believe in strategic design with an high bar for craft.

The best recipes for delight come from human experience — on both sides of the screen. Designers are at their best drawing inspiration from all kinds of places, cultures and creators. Conversely, humans' feelings are woven by our backgrounds; a product is only worth what it's user feels it's worth. I analyze both sides with a visual and critical eye to tell visual stories through beautiful and intuitive products.

I'm curious by so many facets of life and find that my time away is paramount to my creative inspiration.

Welcome to my digital sleeping pod. Thanks for being here :}

My journey map begins w/

an early love of architecture and it's world of form, function and organized beauty. I adore the artform, but made the tough decision to spare my work/life balance from the arch gods temptation. Instead i took a leap into the world of entrepreneurship and the idea of self−creation. After some experimentation with school clubs and a grassroots candle business, I began applying to business schools.

My design spark was reignited after stumbling upon UWaterloo's GBDA program — a one of a kind mashup of creative, technical, and business disciplines. My decision sealed itself after questioning "if I was a CEO would I be more excited to sell or build my product?"

While at UW, my love of design grew exponentially after submerging myself in it's rich world and meeting the most amazing people in communities like Socratica, UW/UX and Arts Student Union.

Design, creative dev, psychology and storytelling allure me. I love picking up intriguing new skills and uncovering creative ways to fuse them all together.

My future is written on blank pages but I can tell I found the right shelf. (‎‎‎‎‎ •̀‎‎‎‎‎ .̫ •́ )✧
Recently I been tinkering with
Community building in Waterloo :)
I'm currently obsessed with
Pixel art, creative coding, and design for excitement
I love
Architecture, vball, karaoke, ramen ,sexy typography, indie board games, Mob Psycho, and cozy sweaters